Who We Are

SciberNet, Inc. originated from a group of three scientists: Dr. Nick Omidi, Dr. Homa Karimabadi and Dr. Dietmar Krauss-Varban. In the past decade they have been performing computer simulations for government agencies, such as NASA, the Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation. The simulations were based on a number of different algorithms using latest techniques in numerical modeling and were run on both serial and parallel architecture machines. They have been involved with the use of the internet since its early conception and have used it extensively for both computational and educational purposes. Once founded, SciberNet was joined by Mr. Jamie Steidl and Miss Ann Forderer to head the graphics and marketing departments, respectively. Mr. Steidl has over ten years of experience as a commercial graphics artist and has designed numerous advertising material. Miss Forderer has a B.A. in marketing and has over five years of experience in technology and hospitality industries.

What We Do

SciberNet, Inc. is an Internet/Intranet and Research & Software Development Company. We are a "complete on-line communication source" dedicated to providing premium hosting capabilities, unique web presentations, marketing solutions, intranet development, as well as, education and training to both small and large companies.

We are uniquely qualified to tackle all aspects of on-line marketing and web presence. We have the capability to create just about anything, from a simple but visually dynamic presentation to an entire virtual reality page, which includes animation and 3D-graphics. We are well versed in HTML, Java, JavaScript, CGI,.Audio and Video. We can create interactive and secured forms.

Our team of market researchers will position your presentation so that you receive maximum results and we will monitor and track the traffic at your site and provide you with statistics.

SciberNet's server is run on Sun SPARC workstations running Solaris. This system has a high speed connection to the Internet and allows us to offer premium and fast hosting capabilities.

Our Mission

SciberNet's mission is to become the leading presence for " complete on-line communication services" in San Diego and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to provide our clients with a wide range of options in design, implementation and hosting of their Internet sites, and offering them the latest technology.

We are committed to cultivating a strong business relationship with our clients. This is specially important, given the dynamic nature of the internet medium. A key to the success of a web site is that it should stay current and that it evolve in time. We recognize this fact and go out of our way to establish a friendly on-going relationship with our clients.

In addition it is our mission to consistently exceed the expectations of our clients. We pledge to provide the best personal service to our clients with the highest quality standards.

A Word from our President

"We are dedicated to upgrading our equipment as times change so that we can offer our clients the fastest and most reliable connections, we are committed to research and development, so that our clients will have the most up-to-date software for their Intranets, we are constantly applying our technical background to develop new strategies to create compelling and innovative on-line sites. We guarantee your complete satisfaction, and we will deliver to you a superior presentation that will produce the results you desire.".....Nick Omidi, Ph.D., President

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