- Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun, discovered by Galileo in 1610.

- Largest planet in Solar system.

- Named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology.

- First visit by Pioneer 10 in 1973; then Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 & 2, Ulysses.

- Spacecraft Galileo is orbiting around Jupiter.

- 1400 times volume of Earth  but 318 times mass of Earth ==> Jupiter consists of gas.

- 11.9 Earth years to complete a revolution around the Sun.

- 9.9 hrs to spin on its axis ==> equatorial budge.

- The Great Red Spot.


- Voyager 1 & 2 in 1979 gathered information about Jupiter.

- Atmosphere:  H2 and He (like Sun), Dynamic weather system.

- Compare this to Earth's atmosphere.

- Gaseous material gets denser with depth.

- Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter in July 94 ==> more was learned about its atmosphere.

- Jupiter radiates twice as much energy as it receives from the Sun (due to slow gravitational compression).

- Periodic temperature flutuations in its upper atmosphere. ==> Reveal a pattern of changing winds like that of equatorial region of Earth's stratosphere.

-Temperature & pressure increase toward the interior ==> H2 liquifies ==> metallic, highly conducting state : Earthlike core.


- It's magnetosphere extends more than 650 million km.

- Generated deep inside the planet.

- At surface: 14 times stronger than Earth.

- Opposite polarity of Earth.

- Responsible for huge belts of trapped charged particles (electrons & ions) ==> Jovian   magnetosphere.


- Jupiter has 16 known satellites which represent a miniature version of the solar system:


- Discovered by Voyager: a faint system of rings

- Uniform in its structure

- Composed of dust particles. (10 microns in diameter)

- Produced by the disintegration of small moonlets orbiting within the ring.

Jupiter Statistics

Mass (kg) ............................................................................................................. 1.900e+27

Mass (Earth = 1) ................................................................................................ 3.1794e+02

Equatorial radius (km) ............................................................................................... 71,492

Equatorial radius (Earth = 1) ............................................................................ 1.1209e+01

Mean density (gm/cm^3) ............................................................................................. 1.33

Mean distance from the Sun (km) ................................................................. 778,330,000

Mean distance from the Sun (Earth = 1) ............................................................... 5.2028

Rotational period (hours) .......................................................................................... 9.841

Orbital period (years) ............................................................................................ 11.8623

Mean orbital velocity (km/sec) ................................................................................ 13.07

Orbital eccentricity .................................................................................................. 0.0483

Tilt of axis .................................................................................................................... 3.13�

Orbital inclination ..................................................................................................... 1.308�

Equatorial surface gravity (m/sec^2) ...................................................................... 22.88

Equatorial escape velocity (km/sec) ...................................................................... 59.56

Visual geometric albedo ............................................................................................ 0.52

Magnitude (Vo) ......................................................................................................... -2.70

Mean cloud temperature ....................................................................................... -121�C

Atmospheric pressure (bars) ...................................................................................... 0.7

Hydrogen .................................................................................................................... 90%

Helium ......................................................................................................................... 10%

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Last updated: 05/21/96

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