Jenifer's X-Files Fan Club Quick Reference

Q. Any other places to chat about the X-Files?

A. There's also an X-Files forum in the TV conference of The Spring. To access, telnet to and login as "new" (no quotes). You'll answer a few questions and that's that. The X-Files forum is quite new. (No charges for access.)
You may also join IRC #xf, #x-files or #syx

Web Chat pages are also available:

The new UK X-Files newsgroup is up and running, add it to your newsreader:

Q: Where can I drool over DD or GA in an appreciative atmosphere?

A: There are a variety of fan brigades. The original DDEB and DDEB-2 are now full. You can still subscribe to the Duchovniks list by sending a request to [email protected] stating that you would like to join the list. The Netcom listserver is prone to errors and the listowner can subscribe you automatically to prevent any errors from occurring.

Due to an amazing amount of contradictory information being sent in, I'm no longer including any information about the various GATB groups.

Here it is! The Gillian Anderson Mailing List...
To subscribe, send a message to [email protected]

subscribe [email protected] First_name Last_name

If you have problems, contact [email protected]

Q: Is there a mailing list?
A: Several :)

SYX - Smart Young X-Philes (X-Philes 21 years old and younger) Weekly Newsletter, mailing list, Fanzine (The Youth Is Out There), and Web Page.
SYX Membership has closed, but you may join our waiting lis by e-mailing Dave Nattriss at:[email protected] Please include your name, e-mail address, birthdate, location and your desired "Official position" in SYX (i.e. "Official counter of how many times Scully says 'Mulder, it's me...'")

To subscribe to the North American list, send email to:
[email protected] with the message:

SUBSCRIBE X-FILES First_Name Last_Name

Enquiries should be directed to [email protected]

Q: Where do I get neat-o X-Files Merchandice?

A: From this link to 1-800-TREKKER :

Resources for this page: Ngaire Genge's Down and Dirty Daily FAQ from, personal knowlege, and experience as an X-Newbie! :)
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