
Please note that this X-Files Web Page is in no way affiliated with FOX television, Ten Thirteen Productions or any of the other people that I would love to be affiliated with. It is my personal "altar" to the acclaimed television show (I found it safer to build a web page than to burn candles or make sacrifices.. ;) ) and is in no way intended to infringe upon copyrights or trademarks or any of that other legal mumbo-jumbo.

Additionally, this page is NOT affiliated with the University of California, San Diego and receives no financial support. If you have further questions, please contact my System OperatorNick Omidi.

If you have questions and concerns regarding the legitimacy of my page, please feel free to contact me, Jenifer Linville.

Additionally, here is the FOX Television legal notice and disclaimer:

"The X-Files" is Trademark and Copyright Fox and its related companies. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution in any form is expressly prohibited; and this web site, its operator, and content contained on this site relating to "The X-Files" are not authorized by Fox.


Jenifer Linville
The X-Phile Extraordinaire
[email protected]

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