ISPEC News Headlines:

Welcome to the International Space Physics Educational Consortium (ISPEC) website. ISPEC was formed in March of 1995, as one of the outcomes of a workshop on space physics education organized by C.T. Russell at UCLA. A more detailed description of this workshop is available in the News section.

The following is a brief description of each ISPEC "main" page. We hope that our efforts make your journey through Cyber (and real!) space more enjoyable. Please provide us with your comments so we can continue to improve this page. Also, if you know of a space science related site which we have missed please let us know. Thank you!

N. Omidi.

Virtual Learning Center The Virtual Learning Center will allow any user to take a tour of the solar system and find out how much information is available for any given topic. Every topic will have a listing of all known websites and what each website contains in terms of pictures, sounds, quicktime movies, mpeg movies, interactive, textbook, reference, and if the website is maintained by an ISPEC member.

"ISPEC News" contains the latest ISPEC events and items of interest.

ISPEC Members
"ISPEC Members" is a listing of members and their respective institutions.

To join ISPEC
Become an ISPEC member.

Space Physics Resources
The Space Physics Resources page contains an extensive listing of space physics centers around the world. There are over 80 centers currently listed.

Bulletin Board
The Bulletin Board is for ISPEC users to view postings from other visitors. Here you may author your own "posting" in order to provide valuable feedback on these comments/suggestions as well.

Global Warming
This page contains informational links about global warming and the greenhouse effect, in hopes that more people will become educated about the severity of this situation and take steps towards healing our environment.

Space Trivia
Test your knowledge of the solar-system. Choose a quiz from one of three levels of diffuculty. The quizzes also provide an excellent web reference source for the corrrect answers.

Space Science Missions
This page contains a list of current and developing Space Science Missions, including a brief summary of each mission, along with a link to the mission's homepage.

Satellite Imagery
The Satellite Imagery page hosts several different resources for up to the minute weather information, current El Nino data, a variety of satellite imagery of earth and space along with links to sites of similar interest.

ISPEC's first resource directed at aspiring astronomers and astronauts in grades K-6. The Internet Space Station offers information about planets and the space program, in addition to providing interactive learning modules and games.

Student Presentations
The Student Presentations page contains information provided by students from Prof. Omidi's "Solar System Physics" class. Each group of students created an HTML'ized version of their presentation on a particular body or phenomenon of our solar system.

Looking for something in particular? The ISPEC search page gives a topical listing of space-physics resources. The keyword search will also help you to find exactly you're looking for!


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